Take Your Team to the Next Level: Programming Languages Used by Top Companies

By Amy Gori ● 06/16/2021

Take Your Team to the Next Level: Programming Languages Used by Top Companies

By Amy Gori ● 06/16/2021

Let’s take a look at two of the most common programming languages used by top companies, and why investing in corporate training is so valuable.

Momentum recognizes the importance of successful digital transformation for businesses today, and at the same time understands how difficult the process can be. We’re here to help ease the transition. Momentum is partnering with companies to upskill employees and provide them with valuable IT skills that can increase efficiency across the entire organization.

To help your business level up, here are two of the most popular software languages being used by top organizations to make their teams more efficient. Here’s why your team should be using them too.


JavaScript is used as the client-side programming language by 97.4% of websites. If your company is looking to increase the interactive nature of your website and provide a smooth experience for the user, training your employees in JavaScript is a great place to start.

JavaScript is preferred by many businesses for a number of reasons. JavaScript is extremely compatible with other programming languages, making it an optimal choice when choosing a language for your team. JavaScript is a great choice for full-stack development, making for added convenience if your company would prefer to unify its web application around a single language.

A quick search online will reveal that JavaScript is in fact the most popular of the programming languages used by top companies. Paypal, Netflix, Uber, Google, and Facebook all execute JavaScript as an essential part of their operation. Many of these companies take their commitment to JavaScript even further through use of Node.js – a JavaScript runtime environment that allows for back-end development in addition to front-end (the typical use for JavaScript).

Netflix underwent an update in 2015 that resulted in a 70% reduction in startup time, a smoother transition between views, and increased user satisfaction. They credited this change to an adoption of universal JavaScript run on both the client and server sides. Before the enhancement of the rendering pipeline, Netflix was experiencing undesirable results in startup time as users would have to wait longer periods of time to browse and view content on the website. With JavaScript on both the front and back ends, processing time is reduced and rendering is consolidated with one language. Netflix’s adoption of universal JavaScript has not only enabled faster streaming times, but has allowed the company to expand from streaming into content production.


If you’re considering upskilling your employees in coding, there are a number of advantages to choosing Python. First, Python is an open-source coding language, which means it is free for anyone to use. As a result, there is a robust selection of existing libraries for almost any need you may encounter. It also reads like the English language, making it easier to understand for beginners.

Both Instagram and Uber use Python on the back-end of their web applications. According to Instagram Engineering, “Instagram currently features the world’s largest deployment of the Django web framework, which is written entirely in Python.” Instagram employs Python to operate at a massive scale for its 800 million monthly active users.

Uber also uses Python on a large scale, with Python and Node.js being the two main languages that power the majority of the services at Uber. Some services you may recognize include the Ride Request feature in the Uber app, surge pricing, arrival estimates and other calculations.

Going Forward

If your business is looking to take your team to the next level, Momentum can help. Momentum can provide a custom program to meet your upskilling needs in these languages and more. If you are interested in learning more about corporate training for your team, contact us today!

Co-authored by Anna Blythe

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