I have no coding experience, is Momentum right for me? Questions from our Inbox

By Katie Dunn ● 05/14/2021

I have no coding experience, is Momentum right for me? Questions from our Inbox

By Katie Dunn ● 05/14/2021

For someone with no coding experience, taking those first steps to learn about a coding bootcamp program can be daunting.

We get it – investing in your long-term career is one of the best, but often hardest decisions you can make. To help, we are kicking off our AUA blog (ask us anything) series with Jessica our CEO, and Katie, our head of Career Development. In this series, we will pull questions from our inbox and answer as best we can.

Is this program good for someone with no coding experience? I’m a total beginner!

Absolutely! Momentum is designed for beginners or those who have little to no prior experience in coding. We help train people who want to start or shift into a career in software development.

We also have resources to share for those who’d like to try some coding activities out on their own before doing a coding course. Interest in trying your hand at some coding before making your decision? Contact Our Team!

What is the major difference between Immersive and Part-Time other than time commitment per week?

Our immersive program offers a more structured day. There are specific times for classes and specific times for labs. It moves really quickly because you are being full-stacked trained in 16-weeks. It also has more group work than our part-time course.

Our part-time course is more independent learning focused. Your time will be less structured as you work on a more fluid schedule that fits the needs of your current (and likely busy!) life.

Interested in diving deeper into the differences between our courses? Here we get a little more detailed in the differences between the programs. Both offer benefits to our students, it just depends what else is going on in your world.

Do I have access to career services as a Part-Time student? What does that look like?

Yes – you have access to all the same resources for career services that our Immersive students have (i.e., Friday huddles, career service modules, alumni network on slack, career guidance after graduating). As someone with no coding experience, we recognize the importance of giving you end-to-end support, from the first time you’re submitting an application with us until you’re well in to your career. Momentum will be there every step of the way.

More to come next week and please, don’t hesitate to Ask Us Anything!

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