4 Benefits of Instructor-Led Training Vs. E-Learning

By Jessica Mitsch Homes ● 09/22/2021

4 Benefits of Instructor-Led Training Vs. E-Learning

By Jessica Mitsch Homes ● 09/22/2021

When it comes to assessing whether a coding course with instructor-led training vs. e-learning is right for you, there are several key aspects to consider.

1. On the Spot Individualized Instructor Support

A key benefit of live, instructor-led training vs e-learning is that with instructor-led training, learners have real-time access to support during their learning. Instructors are on the journey with you and are helping every step of the way and answering any questions live. This ensures learning continuity, helping the learner to move forward without being held up when not understanding a concept.

For highly complex subjects such as software development, instructor-led training provides direct one-on-one individualized support that helps students thrive. An instructor can connect nuanced subjects and adapt them to students’ specific backgrounds or the way the class learns best.

2. Be a part of a motivating community

A huge part of finding success in tech is immersing yourself in the incredible community, and instructor-led collaborative courses help facilitate just that – a community of learners to grow with and learn from.

Rather than the stagnant experience of watching videos online, students are engaged in discussions and problem solving together while bouncing ideas off each other. When students run into small hiccups and challenges, not only can they look to other students in the course for help, but students can also motivate each other, propelling each other forward. Specifically, in adults, collaborative learning has been shown to develop higher-level thinking skills in ideas and prepares students for realistic workplace project scenarios.

3. Statistically higher success rates of completion

While massive open online courses (MOOC’s) and eLearning courses are widely criticized for having low competition rates, on average anywhere from 5 percent to 20 percent, instructor-led training across the board average much higher, with Momentum averaging a 92 percent, completion rate in 2020.

When students are able to build community with other students and connect with instructors, there is an element of wanting to cross that finish line together, and not wanting to disappoint fellow classmates or instructors.

4. More likely to be hired by employers

For most career changers, the bottom line is to successfully be hired into a role in their new field, and while e-learning courses like MOOC’s are often viewed favorably on resumes, they usually aren’t generally sealing the deal when it comes to landing a new gig. In one survey, only 26% of MOOC participants attribute taking the course to get their new role. On the other hand, instructor-led programs like coding boot camps have a much higher rate of employment, with an average of between 74% and 90% of coding boot camp students land a programming job within six months of graduation.

There is a lot to assess when it comes to making a decision between instructor-led training vs. e-learning for your coding education. At Momentum, we are here to guide you through your decision-making process every step of the way. Interested in learning more? Schedule a conversation with us today.

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